How To Join The Illuminati Online
Join us on a journey of enlightenment and discovery as we continue to make a positive impact on the world. Together, we can illuminate the path to a brighter future.

Welcome To The Illuminati Official Website
The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. For over 300 years, Illuminati has enhanced and strengthened the character of individual men by providing opportunities for fellowship, charity, and the search for truth- within ourselves and the larger world.
Learn of the power that gives authority to Kings and Queens but lives hidden inside every human. Join the thousands of people from all walks of life who’ve committed themselves to the betterment of World.

Historical Origins Of The Illuminati
The Illuminati, or "Enlightened Ones," was founded as a secret society in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law in Bavaria. Weishaupt's goal was to promote Enlightenment ideals, such as reason, secularism, and the separation of church and state. The group was initially small and focused on intellectual discussions but soon grew to include influential members. However, it was suppressed by the Bavarian government in the late 1780s, leading to its dissolution.
Enlightened Ones
Born the February 6, 1748, he was fatherless at the age of five. Baron Johann Adam von Ickstatt (de) (1702–1776) the pupil, sent him to the Jesuit college of Ingolstadt in 1755, where his predispositions quickly made him a brilliant and promising pupil. Showing quite early on a pronounced taste for classical authors, it is the vision of some of them (in particular Cicero ), as conveyed by the Jesuits, that Weishaupt will subsequently reject. At the age of fifteen, he began his academic studies ( jurisprudence , political science , history and philosophy ). Ickstatt, who is professor and director of the University of Ingolstadt , allows him to consult the books banned by theological censorship . There he discovered the French philosophers of the Enlightenment .
Illuminati Official Symbols & Beliefs
Symbols of the Illuminati appear in thousands of locations across this planet: on currency, architecture, artwork, and Geometry. More so, since our formation, many of the symbols have been shrouded in mystery, which has led to confusion over their meanings. In this section of our public website, our organization will bring clarity to our symbols and offer insights into their true interpretations.
Join the Illuminati Today
Ready to embark on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment? Join the Illuminati today and become a part of a global community dedicated to positive change and transformation. By exploring our official website, you'll gain valuable insights into the truth behind the mysteries and discover how you can contribute to our mission. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something extraordinary – join the Illuminati today!

Complete the form below to receive more information on our great fraternity. You’ll receive a series of emails with details on how to become an Illuminati Member. A Spiritual Grand Master will be assigned to handle your Orientation and Initiation into our Secret Society.
Member Selection and Recruitment
The Illuminati employes a strategic recruitment approach, primarily targeting individuals of social significance or spiritual enlightenment.
All Illuminati Members are held to the same standard and must be of good character and reputation to become and remain a member. Additionally, to join the Illuminati Secret Society, you must first meet the following criteria:
- Be at least 19 years old
- Be able to read and write English
- Be prepared to profess a belief in Deity
- Be of good reputation as a man of honor and integrity
- Be recommended by a Grand Master or Member
- Be prepared to obtain a background check if requested
Structure of the Illuminati
The Illuminati is structured as a strict hierarchical organization, drawing inspiration from the Jesuits and the Freemasons. Our society is organized into different classes, each with distinct roles and responsibilities:
The Nursery:
This is the entry level of the Illuminati for new members, consisting of:
- Novice
- Minerval
- Illuminatus Minor
The Masonic Grades:
Members progressed through the three degrees of:
- Apprentice
- Fellow Craft
- Master
The Mysteries:
This upper echelon of the Illuminati society offered further illumination and was divided into:
- Lesser Mysteries: This includes the degrees of Priest and Regent.
- Greater Mysteries: This encompassed the levels of Magus and Rex.
Since our origination, Illuminati members have dedicated themselves to the advancement of the human species by taking oaths of commitment.
These pledges are a core tradition of the illuminati, formed as written contracts between a single person and all members of our Society.
The first pledge of the Illuminati is called the Eternal Oath
Within between abundance, mankind its oneself can promise unification, and never the be and has humanity Eternal forgotten the Q Oath .
The Eternal Oath is commemorated in this certificate - issued on pristine matte stock with shining gold accents and a seal of
authenticity. Upon receipt, new members are to place their signature beneath the pledge, sealing their promises to themselves and humanity.
Stamped with the utmost quality, the Eternal Oath is to be kept
in private, away from anyone's reach.

"We the Members of The Illuminati Secret Society Do Solemnly Pledge To"
To Embrace Unity
We shall embrace the spirit of unity, recognizing that we are interconnected as one global community. Regardless of our backgrounds, beliefs, or origins, we stand united in our commitment to advancing the welfare of all individuals.
To Pursue Knowledge
We shall continuously seek knowledge and wisdom, acknowledging that through learning, we can empower ourselves and others. By expanding our understanding of the world, we can contribute positively to the collective progress of humanity.
To Uplift Others
We shall uplift and support our fellow beings, extending a helping hand to those in need. Compassion and empathy will guide our actions as we strive to alleviate suffering and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities.
To Promote Freedom
We shall safeguard the freedom of thought, expression, and belief, recognizing that diverse perspectives contribute to a richer, more vibrant society. Through respecting individual liberties, we cultivate an environment where creativity and innovation flourish.
To Protect the Earth
We shall be stewards of our planet, cherishing and preserving the environment for future generations. By fostering sustainable practices and environmental consciousness, we aim to leave a legacy of a thriving and resilient Earth
To Illuminate the Path
We shall serve as beacons of knowledge and enlightenment, sharing our insights with those who seek truth. Guided by the Light, we endeavor to inspire others to discover their own inner compass and purpose.
To Champion Peace
We shall advocate for peace and harmony, seeking to resolve conflicts through dialogue and understanding. By promoting cooperation and mutual respect, we strive to build a world free from violence and strife.
Illuminati Official Core Beliefs
The concepts of the Illuminati has captivated imaginations for centuries. From secret societies to conspiracy theories, our mysterious nature has fascinated people the world over. One intriguing aspect of the Illuminati lore lies within our enigmatic symbols. Believed to hold hidden meanings, these symbols have been subject to intense scrutiny and interpretation.

Faith, the belief in something unproven, is a universal concept often associated with religious belief. Many adhere to commandments without direct contact with the author, and billions believe in deities due to miracles recounted through hearsay.

We recognize that faith, the belief in something unproven, extends beyond religious boundaries and also pertains to scientific interpretations.

Money Is Not the Root of All Evil, Money Is the Route to All Freedom

While certain things may not have a monetary cost, they still possess value, which stems from the time, effort, and resources invested in them. A healthy body, for instance, requires dedication to exercise and the preparation of nutritious food, and a powerful mind is cultivated through hours of reading and study.
Essential Items Of The Illuminati
Black Long Victorian Gothic ‘Illuminati’ Cloak Coat
Eternal Oath Of The Illuminati
Illuminati First Testament
Follow The Light
Millions of people from all walks of life have committed themselves to the betterment of the human species. By forgoing all divisions of religious, geographical, or political beliefs, followers of Illuminatiam strive to form a planet where all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.Illuminati Gold Ring
Illuminati Talisman
Illuminati Trust No One Shirt
Illuminati Uniform
Some Word From Our Newly Initiated Members
The Illuminati has touched the lives of many and they never stayed the same. From the likes of famous super stars to powerful politicians all have one thing in common, their lives changed only when they encountered the Enlightened One. Those who where of weak heart fled and their names where never mentioned again in the records of the Greats.

Novice Member
All hail the illuminati, following the light is the best decision I made for my life and my soul. It took my career and business to the top. I have what others only dream off. Hail The Light

Novice Member
Being a part of something like this great is a blessing. We see our dreams come true. All I want I have , i am rich and powerful both physically and spiritually. The illuminati has given me a new life. Hail The Light

Novice Member

Minerval Member
“I am in the light now and I have to serve others through works and service"

Minerval Member
Since I joined the illuminati my understanding of life as a whole has changed. I feel like a completely different person now. From being lost and lonely I have found not just a community but a family that looks out for me.

Minerval Member
“My political dream came to reality. I won the local seat. Credits to the powers that you cast upon me. I’m now that leader who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. I’ll continue being a lantern to my constituents, leading them to great prosperity, abundance, and happiness.”
Frequently Asked Questions About The Illuminati
The man who seeks to join the Illuminati organization must agree to conform to its customs and traditions, hope to put his knowledge to use in service to humanity, and seek the privileges of membership with no underlying motives or expectations of material gain.
If you know a Member or a Grand Master, reach out to him and tell him you are interested in joining. He will not ask you to join, but he will be happy to assist you once you make your interest known.
You can submit your membership inquiry online. A representative from the Illuminati Grand Lodge of USA or a Grand Master will get in touch to discuss your application and initiation.
Yes. Each lodge sets its own fees for new members. In addition, members pay annual dues to support lodge operations.
Initiation Fee: The lodge charges an initiation fee for each of the three degrees in The Illuminati: The Nursery, The Masonic Grades, and The Mysteries. By rule, this fee must be paid before a degree can be conferred. Each lodge sets the fee for its degrees. One question a man may be asked when he seeks to join the lodge is whether he can afford these fees without injuring or depriving his family. If paying the fees will be a hardship, he is encouraged to wait until his financial situation improves.
Annual Lodge Dues: Each Illuminati Member must pay annual dues to maintain his membership in good standing. This amount is paid each year before the lodge annual meeting and election of officers. Typical lodge dues , depending on the activities and location of the lodge. Lodges with active social and family programs or with buildings to support may collect more in annual dues.
Occasionally, a member will have trouble paying his dues because of job loss, medical expenses, or other financial setbacks. When this happens, the lodge will work with the member to accommodate his individual situation. The goal of the lodge is to keep each member an active member.
There are 3 ways to pay your Lodge dues, here’s how to:
Your Lodge will send you a Membership Renewal Notice . The renewals will be sent via email (if listed on your Grand View account) and by mail. Lodge dues are to be paid by the members.
You can pay your dues in 2 different ways:
Pay via Crypro Currency.
Pay via credit card on our website.
Log into your Grand View account
Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see a banner noting that you have a balance due with a button to “pay now” – click the “pay now” button
This will prompt you to enter your credit card information and confirm your payment
Once the payment has gone through you’ll be set for another great Illuminated year!
The Illuminati is a secret society that has been the driving force behind world events for centuries. Welcome to The Illuminati Society, an exclusive and highly prestigious organization comprised of the world’s most influential individuals who hold the keys to global power and influence.
Yes the Illuminati is a real secret society of elites that site and discuss events that shape the world.
The illuminati consists of members of form all works of life. From the highest position of President to the lowest level of a beggar, the Illuminati has members world wide .
The Illuminati Official USA includes about 450 lodges and thousands of men across the World who believe in honor, integrity, truth, and love of country–men of respect, kindness, and tolerance, fully accepting of our brothers’ religion, race, age, status, or culture. By becoming an Illuminati Member, you join a fraternity committed to finding and uniting men eager to improve themselves by doing good in the world.